Law Admission Directly in Acharya College
The Acharya School of Law is one of the state’s finest institutions of legal education. Housed in the sprawling campus of Acharya Institutions campus, the Law School is unmatched for beauty and is superbly functional for its residential and scholarly community. The School has a sizable and diverse faculty, with many preeminent in their fields. Curricular innovations revise rich traditions to keep pace with rapidly evolving legal, economic, and technological developments. Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College under Management Quota for 2021 Batch.
The Acharya School of Law is one of the state’s finest institutions of legal education. Housed in the sprawling campus of Acharya Institutions campus, the Law School is unmatched for beauty and is superbly functional for its residential and scholarly community.
To take admission Contact Ace1Guru. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) Visit our website- or email us:
Introduction to Acharya School of Law (ASL), Bangalore

- Acharya School of Law (ASL) is one of the state’s finest institutions of legal education.
- Housed in the sprawling campus of Acharya Institutions campus.
- The college is approved by the Bar Council of India BCI), New Delhi.
- The Law School is unmatched for beauty and is superbly functional for its residential and scholarly community.
- The School has a sizable and diverse faculty, with many preeminent in their fields.
- Curricular innovations revise rich traditions to keep pace with rapidly evolving legal, economic, and technological developments.
- Educate graduates who will be excellent professionals: knowledgeable, innovative, thoughtful, practical, ethical, and well-prepared for the practice of law.
- Engage with the student’s community at all levels of our work, including teaching, scholarship, public service, and public policy.
- Create and disseminate knowledge to solve social and legal problems and to promote justice through knowledge of law.
- To educate leaders who contribute to the advancement of human dignity, social welfare and justice through knowledge of law.
- ll efforts are constantly put in to provide the best facilities for residents living in Acharya Halls of Residence.
- Every resident has access to a wide range of activities, facilities and support on the campus.
- Acharya Halls of Residence runs 12 Residences (05 for Boys and 07 for Girls), with the capacity for 1500 residents, who can be accommodated in a single, double, three bedded rooms and common areas with TV and Newspaper.
- Dining halls are maintained with highly mechanized Kitchen and hygienic cooking infrastructure. We serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.
Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)
Programs Offered in the College are
(Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College for 2021 Batch, Also read Direct Law Admission in Acharya College Bangalore for more Details)
- BBA LLB – Bachelor of Business Administration + Bachelor of Law
- B – Bachelors of Law
Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)
About Library Facility in the College
(Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College for 2021 Batch)
“When in doubt, go to the library.”
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) – the Central Library, at the heart of the Campus, provides an ideal environment for intellectual inquiry with its multiple Study Spaces, Research Assistance, and Reading, Learning and Instructional Resources. The State-of-the-Art ICT facilities established to provide much-needed services to support excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research, and Extension.
The User-focused facilities and services provide seamless access to resources and to evaluate Scholarly information to learn and create new Knowledge. The LRC caters to over 15,000 Students pursuing Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses, Research Scholars, and about 1,000 Faculty and Staff members.
The LRC is housed on three floors with a carpet area of 4,289 sqms accommodating various facilities, reading and learning resources, and seating arrangements for about 500 Users at any point-of-time. Wi-Fi, Internet access, Electrical plug-in facilities, etc., are provided in all Reading areas and Study Carrels.
Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College for 2021 Batch, for Direct Law Admission in Bangalore under Management Quota Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)
The Virtual Learning Resource Lab and Study Carrels with 100 Apple Computers in networked environment provide Internet access, Digital Learning Resources and Online access to major E-Journals and E-Books on Science and Technology, Management, Health Sciences and Social Sciences available from VTU, HELINET, and N-LIST / e-Shodha Sindhu (UGC-INFLIBNET) Consortia.
KOHA, an Integrated Library Management Software package is used for Library operations and resource sharing among the Acharya Institutes’ Libraries. ALIBNET, a network of all Libraries of Acharya Institutes has been established using KOHA “Single Instance and Multiple Libraries”.
Institutional Repository (IR), a digital repository of Acharya Institutes publications provides access/downloading publications, and other homogeneous data/reports and non-traditional reading material. Centrally well-protected Fire alarms, CCTV surveillance, and RFID technology provide much-needed security. Readers can have coffee/Tea from vending machines kept in Coffee Bar. Qualified, experienced and well trained Library professionals serve the user community with excellence and provide assistance in meeting academic and research information needs.
Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)
Introduction toAce1Guru
(Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College for 2021 Batch, for Law Direct Admission DY Patil Pune under MQ for 2021 Session contact us)
Ace1Guru is an Indian based educational consultancy service with its base in Bangalore which is excellently placed to chart a path of unprecedented success. With several years of exposure and experiences in this respective field, TCS is well equipped with the right acumen have established a close networking relationship with leading corporate houses and HR professionals throughout India.
TCS has always pioneered in the service of education, helping students to build a life through their career in which their passion resides. TCS with its hard core principle to give the best and nothing apart from that. In order to achieve this we have set a mission to enable to candidate or the student.
Ace1Guru is continuously striving for excellence in College Admissions, Overseas Education, Immigration and Resettlement Services, International Placement Solutions, work permit services and other Educational support services.
Take Law Admission Directly in Acharya College for 2021 Batch
To take admission Contact Ace1Guru. Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) Visit our website- or email us: